Monday, February 28, 2011

Have you heard about........ forum!? Well I'll tell you: Horse Forum: great forum for your average horse lover. You can find anything! From fun and games, to dressage, to western, to showmanship......EVE-RY-THING! Incredible site.....I go on it whenever I am board! If you sign up: ask lildonkey8 to be your friend. It will be me!

Anyway, if it sounds like fun-check out this link:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Not much ado

Well, what to do, what to do. Sitting in the theater with about only a computer, my blog, and't that fun. I just there really anything to do in a boring theater with people practicing lines, and people eating cookies which I just can't have. Well, it's sometimes fun: people with cellphones and games, plus like I said: the computer.  What could be better than the computer? You can look at......EVERYTHING!! Just so fun....Oh well, horses are good, and everything is fabulous...

Our play, The Madwoman Of Challiot, is coming along beautifully. It will be playing this Thursday in Friday Harbor. Hope you join the fun!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Hi, Welcome to my blog! I live with my three horses, Blue, Tiger, and Tanoka. I love to ride them, brush them, and just be with them. We do many things like gaming, showmanship, etc etc. Their so sweet and we just love them so much! We love swimming in our pond and hopefully someday will combine our two favorite things: horse-back riding and swimming. Anyway, once again, welcome to my blog and have fun with life!
Tanoka sleeps with a nice, full belly